26 February 2017 Annular Solar Eclipse

On 26 February 2017 is the next solar eclipse which will be visible from the Southern Atlantic Ocean. It starts from the lower southern part of South America and follows a narrow path until it hits Angola in Africa. The peak will reach at 9:54 AM EST.
What is a solar eclipse?
A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes in a direct line between the Earth and the sun. The moon’s shadow travels over the Earth’s surface and blocks out the sun’s light as seen from Earth.
An annular eclipse occurs when the Sun and Moon are exactly in line, but the apparent size of the Moon is smaller than that of the Sun. Hence the Sun appears as a very bright ring surrounding the dark disk of the Moon.
What do you need to see it?
At the point of its greatest duration, the February 26 Annular solar eclipse will last just 1 minute and 22 seconds, so it’s important to be ready. It is dangerous to look directly at the Sun, observers should use special eye protection or indirect viewing techniques when viewing any eclipse.
WARNING: When looking at a solar eclipse, never look directly at the sun whenever ANY PART, no matter how small, is visible. It is dangerous to look at a partially eclipsed Sun but take your glasses off if the Sun is completely covered by the Moon.
Where to see the eclipse
Regions seeing, at least, a partial eclipse: South/West Africa, Much of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Antarctica. For more information you can consult the interactive map below.